
Monday, May 30, 2011

Attendant-propelled wheelchairs

Attendant-propelled wheelchairs (or "transport" wheelchairs) are designed to be propelled by an attendant using the handles, and thus the back wheels are rimless and often smaller. These wheelchairs are often used as 'transfer chairs' to move a patient when a better alternative is unavailable, possibly within a hospital, as a temporary option, or in areas where a user's standard chair is unavailable. These wheelchairs are commonly seen in airports. Special airplane transfer chairs are available on most airlines, designed to fit narrow airplane aisles and transfer wheelchairs-using passengers to and from their seats on the plane.
Attendant-propelled wheelchairs are designed to be propelled by an care giver or friend who will push the wheelchairs using the handles, and thus the back wheels are rimless and often smaller. These wheelchairs are typically used as transfer wheelchairs to move patients around like in hospitals or airports.


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