
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hearing Aids Technology

Conventional hearing aids today come in two flavors: analog, or digital. Although digital hearing aids are capturing most of the market, some deaf and hard of hearing consumers prefer analog.

Wireless hearing aids - Recent hearing aids include wireless hearing aids. One hearing aid can transmit to the other side so that pressing one aid's program button simultaneously changes the other aid and both aids change background settings simultaneously. FM listening systems are now emerging with wireless receivers integrated with the use of hearing aids. A separate wireless microphone can be given to a partner to wear in a restaurant, in the car, during leisure time, in the shopping mall, at lectures, or during religious services. The voice is transmitted wirelessly to the hearing aids eliminating the effects of distance and background noise. FM systems have shown to give the best speech understanding in noise of all available technologies. FM systems can also be hooked up to a TV or a stereo

Direct Audio Input (DAI) :A DAI plug on the end of a cable allows the hearing aid to be directly connected to an external audio source like a CD player or an assistive listening device (ALD). By its very nature, DAI is susceptible to far less electromagnetic interference, and yields a better quality audio signal as opposed to using a T-coil with standard.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had to change ear mold types as I was allergic to them. My reaction would be a build up of moisture in the ear canal and I don't remember if I had itchiness, or not.

  3. Knowing all things about the hearing aid technology is important. Because with that you will know what kind of hearing aid is the best for you?

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  4. bte hearing aid scottsdale az seems to work great. I can now hear single word my wife has been said.
